oxalorgs projects
Stuff I’ve made. Opensourced on github: github.com/oxalorg
Pure cljs version of 4clojure, meant to run forever!
Github: https://github.com/oxalorg/4ever-clojure
Deployed at: https://4clojure.oxal.org
Clojurians Log V2
I’ve been maintaining the Clojurians Slack Log Archive since over a year https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/
I started working on a v2 of Clojurians archive with improved features and performance, and got funded for 3 months by clojuriststogether.org to work on it.
Read more here: https://oxal.org/blog/clojurians-log-v2-funding/
Github: https://github.com/oxalorg/clojurians-log-v2
Deployed at: https://clojurians-log-v2.oxal.org
Static site generators
- genox - Does not provide an api, or force you to code your logic in a templating language. Instead fork it and hack to make this site generator your own.
- reitit-jaatya - A clojure based static site generator which converts a dynamic ring + reitit based website and freezez it into a static website.
- Stab Start blogging with this Simple static site generator. Minimal and very small. Fork it NOW!!
- dystic - Intuitive static site generator built of dynamic principles. What you see is what you get.
- Sakura [Project Page] - a minimal classless css theme. Works out of the box without any changes to HTML. Just download and drop it in your website. Done.
- Vader.css - a classless css theme. JOIN THE DARK SIDE.
Command line tools
- ghPublish - directly publish your blog posts to GitHub Pages from the command line.
- smurf - a mini filesystem browser/server which converts markdown files into html on-the-fly.
- wallPy - a command line wallpaper changer fetching data from custom multireddits using praw api. Filters out NSFW, out-of-ratio, low resolution images and also avoids duplicates by hashing image content.
- Ninshu - a complete compiler/interpreter for a self made programming language. Lexing, tokenization and parsing is done using PLY. Unleash the way of the shinobi now!
- Visual A-Star JS [Project Page] - Graphical view of A* search using javascript.
- BoxWiki - a portable personal wiki solution made using BottlePy
- WoxWiki - a featured personal wiki solution made using Flask
- DoxWiki - Django port of WoxWiki
- phpBlogNinja - Complete blog from scratch with user authentication and registration implementing CRUD for posts and comments using the LAMP stack.
- WikiSearcher - Dynamically fetch results for search query while taking user input. It uses the wikipedia public API and a minimal javascript framework MithirlJS.