Why I failed at blogging.

People write for several reasons. Fame, wealth, self-satisfaction, passion, entertainment, boredom, depression to name a few among others. But what do I write for? The answer isn’t as easy as categorzing it into a single noun, rather it’s very complicated. Complicated enough, that I can’t quite grok it myself.

This is not my only blog. I have 4 more blogs, and a llog (local log). That is 6 [b]logs in total. My local log is basically a mixture of dear diary posts, list of things I like/dislike, all my keep notes, and anything and everything extremely personal which I want to keep private. There’s also a blog which I recently launched (7th June, 2016). Launched without any content (and hence the realisation of this posts title). I will be ignoring these two [b]logs for the rest of the post.

That leaves us with 4.

Apart from those two there’s a private blog, not nearly as personal as my llog, yet I have chosen to safely and securely lock behind a password. I’ve done this because I’m simply scared to dump my unadulterated thoughts out in the vast openness of the internet.

Then there were 3.

I’ve launched these 4 blogs at different times since 2015. But I’ve only managed to churn out 20 posts in total. That’s way too low, specially because the quality isn’t top notch either.

This makes me wonder, have I failed as a blogger?

But that inturn makes me wonder, is failing bad? Is it something to be afraid of? Does it mean the end? HELL NO!.

James Dyson, inventor of the cyclonic vaccum cleaner, eqloquently conveys a message about failure .

I made 5,127 prototypes of my vacuum before I got it right. There were 5,126 failures. But I learned from each one. That’s how I came up with a solution.

Sure I’ve made mistakes. I’ve learnt from them. It doesn’t matter if I’ve been focusing on the wrong things up until now. Because I’ve learnt that there are only two things I need for my next attempt. Ruthless focus and a well defined dream.