Creating screen timelapse with ffmpeg (multiple videos)
I use obs to record my screen. I already have a few videos on youtube and was quite interested in experimenting with a bit different format.
I’ve uploaded the final video here (without any sound for now).
As usual I reached out to trusty ffmpeg
for speeding up and combining the videos.
# this removes audio
ffmpeg -i input1.mkv -filter:v "setpts=PTS/60" -an output1.mkv
ffmpeg -i input2.mkv -filter:v "setpts=PTS/60" -an output2.mkv
Now we list all the videos we want to combine in a file:
cat > files.txt <<EOF
file 'output1.mkv'
file 'output2.mkv'
Then we combine it with the following command:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i files.txt -c copy output-combined.mkv
That’s it. Quick and easy.
I use mkv
container with OBS as it seems to be the most flexibile.